At the recent Maidstone’s Borough Council’s Economic Regeneration and Leisure Committee meeting the Arts and Culture Strategy developed by Ann Marie Langley, the recently appointed Arts and Culture Officer was unanimously approved. The strategy, developed following extensive consultations with a range of organisations, including MAAP, contains a detailed action plan. The 2 year action plan
Read PostOn behalf of Building Dementia Friendly Maidstone, and as Chair of Maidstone Area Arts Partnership I have just visited Gloucester and met with members of Mindsong. They are a truly wonderful organisation, with over 400 volunteers that provide free fortnightly sessions to over 50 care homes in and around Gloucester, primarily providing care for people
Read PostIt is estimated that as much as 30% of all people visiting a GP’s surgery are unlikely to benefit from medication. Many are lonely, and depressed and it is now widely acknowledged that drugs are far from an appropriate response. What people are more likely to want is the companionship and challenge that you can
Read PostMAAP are holding their AGM on Thursday 21st November at Marsham Street Community Centre. Starting at 7:30, you are very welcome to come. The evening will start with entertainment from Maidstone’s Hilton Hall Dance Academy. They are finalists in a national dance competition in Blackpool, and have been desribed”the highest ranked dance school in the
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